A non-profit dedicated to resolving litigation challenges



Founded in November 2006, The Electronic Discovery Institute (“EDI”) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to education, leadership, service, advocacy and research at the intersection of law and technology. The EDI community comprises corporate counsel, private practitioners, judges, professors of law and science, consultants, technologists and experts. Each year our members gather at the EDI Leadership Summit to learn, teach and collaborate on emerging issues in law and technology - with a focus on discovery, information governance, cybersecurity, litigation and big data management.  We are a warm, collegial community united by our interest in these issues and our mutual respect.

Donate to EDI


Offering exclusive membership benefits, including:


Stay up to date on your legal education with EDI’s landmark publications. Annual members receive complimentary copies (via mail) of all current EDI publications including the Federal Judges’ Guide to Discovery, Spoliation and Discovery Cases that Count.


Explore EDI’s online resources page to learn about current industry best practices and standards. Annual members receive our quarterly newsletter and are always in the know when it comes to Discovery education.

community engagement at events

Our in-person and online programs are curated for both entry-level and high-level professionals. Annual Members always receive in-person event discounts giving them exclusive access to the EDI community.


Initiative Highlights


Our Annual Leadership Summit

October 15-17, 2025 | Santa Ana Pueblo, NM

Mark your calendars and join the Electronic Discovery Institute at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya from October 15th to October 17th, 2025, for the 15th Annual EDI Leadership Summit! The Summit is the perfect opportunity to experience a unique getaway and connect with colleagues and peers. This serene venue, located on the Santa Ana Pueblo, will give us a remarkable backdrop against the foothills of the Sandia Mountains in which attendees can immerse themselves to enjoy the congenial and collaborative environment for which the Summit is known.



Online eDiscovery Education

EDI believes that leading education and training should be accessible to practitioners without hefty travel requirements and CLE registration funds. Modern legal practice requires an understanding of the entire spectrum of practice in legal technology, data security and information law. No student should suffer financial burden to gain access to such knowledge. As such, affordability is one of the core principles that drives EDI’s Distance Learning Initiative. A near-zero registration fee provides a year’s access to the 40 core courses, the course materials and selection of elective courses.


EDI’s EVENTS attract a broad and diverse group of attendees from a wide array of organizations, which has given me the opportunity to develop both professional contacts and personal friendships.”

- EDI Summit Attendee